Illness and Injury Prevention Plans
An IIPP is a mandatory, 8 part plan required by law for all employers with more than 10 employees. It outlines the policy and procedures you will take as an employer to keep your employees safe on the job.
STSIG Loss Prevention has developed an easy process if you need assistance developing or updating your IIPP and will send someone to your site to guide you through the process.
If you already have an IIPP:
According to CalOSHA, you only need to update your IIPP in two cases.
- When something at your site changes (think "new hazards" or "new procedures")
- When the responsible person(s) change
It is not necessary to send the IIPP back through the board approval process unless that is your district policy. Just change the names and put the new date on the document.
If you need to draft a new IIPP:
You can go on the CALOSHA website and write a new IIPP in about 35 minutes using their template. It is free and very easy, all you have to do is:
- Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and fill in the boxes with your site information
- Save your IIPP as a Word Document
- Review the file and edit it as needed. Add a signature block at the bottom so you can have it signed by a responsible administrator. I spent most of my time editing the final product (mine turned out to be five pages).
- Place your new IIPP in a binder and add copies of the resources below as needed.
- Have an administrator or board representative sign the IIPP.
- The forms on this page can also be found on the CalOSHA website.
- If you desire to make an Employee Code Of Safe Practices you can use the STSIG example as a template.
- To organize your book, you can use the sample table of contents I have included.
Helpful Resources
NEW: COVID19 Addendum
School Safety Meeting Template
List of District Training Topics
OSHA Investigation Report of Injury