Active Shooter Response
Recent school shootings have everyone asking the questions:
“Why? What can we do to prevent this? How can we stay safe?”
Unfortunately, there are no easy answers, and each district must ensure their staff is trained on an appropriate response that takes into account unique student and facility considerations. The most important thing is to know you have OPTIONS.
While a traditional lockdown may be a component of any reaction to an emergency situation at a school, it is not the preferred automatic response to an active shooter situation in a school. Your three options are to Run, Hide, or Fight.
What is your district policy?
If you are not sure what your district policy says about an active shooter/killer incident, then ask. If your district does not have a policy, look below for a policy template your district can use to get started.
Training and Education Options and Programs:
A.L.I.C.E Active Shooter Response Training. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. These steps are not sequential but summarize all the actions you can take. Follow this link to see options for online training and other resources.
Run-Hide-Fight. Following the tragic shootings at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and others, the DHS, FBI, Dept.of Ed, and many other organizations have adopted the Run-Hide-Fight response model. This DHS booklet is a comprehensive look at the Run Hide Fight response.
If you see something, Say something. Many obvious signs have been missed in the past that may have averted school shootings. If something doesn’t feel right, report it. (DHS)
Free ALICE scenario-based training is provided by Shasta-Trintiy Schools Insurance Group for member districts. Contact the Loss Prevention Manager for more information.
Other Resources:
CSU Active Shooter Safety Training Video An excellent video prepared for the California College system
Start with Hello Free Sandy Hook Promise resources
CalOES Active Shooter Awareness Pamphlet
Start with Hello (Sandy Hook Promise) Free downloadable gun violence prevention programs
For kids: I’M NOT SCARED… I’M PREPARED! It may be traumatic to discuss this topic with children. This book and teacher’s guide may make it easier.
Active Shooter Response Policy Template for Schools A comprehensive template for school districts that need to develop or update an active shooter policy