Loss Prevention From left to right: Indian Springs Elementary School, Playground in woods, Enterprise Elementary School District Office sign


STSIG offers free ergonomic inspections and guidance to member school districts.  A class with a demonstration can also be scheduled for your office staff.

To schedule an ergonomic evaluation please fill out and submit one request form for each employee needing an evaluation.

Submit forms to the Prevention Services Manager, Mike Berry at 530-221-6444 or by email at mberry@stsig.org.


What Happens During an Ergonomic Evaluation


I spend about five minutes explaining what I am going to do, provide some tips cards with pictures, and I make some initial notes.


I take a picture of you working before making any adjustments.


I then go through the process of adjusting your chair, your keyboard tray, your monitors, and desktop items that you use frequently such as your phone, files, etc. Sometimes there are very few things that need to be modified, other times I have to take apart and literally re-construct entire workstations. If you need small items like lumbar pads or wrist rests I will provide them at this time.


I then take a picture of you working to show the changes I made.


When I get back to my office I write up a complete report, insert the pictures, and make recommendations if you need any new ergonomic office equipment. I send the report to the employee’s supervisor and the district office, and they decide whether or not to purchase any of the recommended items.

Please follow up with your supervisor a week or so after the evaluation for information on recommended equipment. All equipment recommendations are subject to district budget policy.


Helpful Resources

Ergonomics at Home This 8-minute video explains basic ergonomics and shows ways you can use common household items to create an ergonomically correct workstation while working from home.

Esplanade STSIG Chairs Pricing

Golden State Chairs Pricing

Sitting at work is bad, but is standing actually better

Ergonomics Handout

Ergonomics Tip Card

Ergonomics Request Form Shasta Trinity