Loss Prevention From left to right: Indian Springs Elementary School, Playground in woods, Enterprise Elementary School District Office sign

Compliance Laws and Regs

There is a multitude of laws and regulations pertaining to the safe operation of Schools. Simply put, there are not enough resources, personnel, and time available to school districts to ensure perfect compliance on your own.

That is why the Loss Prevention Program at Shasta-Trinity Schools Insurance Group exists: to provide expert training and advice on compliance issues.

Please use our "School Safety and Compliance Resource" sheet below to access information on programs and training requred by Federal and state organizations.  Do not hesitate to call our office for assistance, or email the Loss Prevention Manager.

Newest laws and Regulations affecting K-12 Schools

SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, 2024

AB 2188, Off Duty Use or Marijuana and Adverse Employment Actions, 2024

AB 2355 Cyber Attack Reporting, 2023

AB 452 Pupil Safety: Parental Notification, Firearm Safety Laws 2023

SB 906 Homicidal Threats or Perceived Homicidal Threats reporting, 2023

State Guidance on New Laws on Discipline, 2021

SB 328, School Start Times, 2019

top ten cited osha violations

Click HERE to view the most commonly cited OSHA violations. This may help you decide where to concentrate your efforts so you can stay in compliance.

Compliance Requirements

School Safety and Compliance Resources.pdf  This document has links to many required plans and policies and will help you ensure you have the latest information to remain compliant. Updated May, 2024.

Schools Insurance Authority Compliance