Work Comp From left to right: Foothill High School Building, North Cottonwood School, Lassen View Elementary School

Return to Work

The intent of a Return To Work (RTW) program is to ensure injured workers are allowed to safely continue contributing to their district while they heal. Studies have shown that the longer an injured worker stays away from work, the longer it takes to heal and the less likely it is they will return to work at all.

STSIG has many resources and offers an in-person review of your program. Assistance developing a program including examples of other district policies and plans are available, as well as a binder with Essential Job Functions and sample modified duty letters. Other resources include 40 Transitional Work Assignments and a pamphlet for workers explaining the RTW process.

Contact Loss Prevention for more information.


Helpful Resources

Board Policy (Example)

Return to Work Policy TCOE (Example)

Return to Work Checklist TCOE (Example)

Return to Work Program Pamphlet

Sample Modified Duty Letters

Sample Transitional Work Letters

JAN Job Accommodation Network. Free information and resources to develop accommodations.